miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

Post 8: A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

This semester the subject that i liked is celular phisiology, although I have study this subject in another career, I've always liked the topic about this.
The principal contents that has been studied are homeostasis (cellular maintenance with his envornment), water movement through the plasmatic membrane (and others compartments), biophysics (membrane potential, action potential, among others) and celullar comunication (synapses, hormones, among others).
The complexity about them is what attracts me to this subject, and like mathematics is imnvolved in practically everything, I would like keep on learning about this subject over the years.

sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

Post 7: An Expert on your Field

Really i don't admire anyone, however i think there are people that inpire me, one of them is Albert Hofmann, he was a intelectual and chemist, he was born in 1906 in switzerland; he was a first first person to isolate and appointed the principal psychedelic mushrooms compunds, and also he was a first person to synthesize and ingest de psychedelic LSD.
I like Hofmann because his discoveries changed many areas of neuroscience and psychology (and psichiatry) and influences many treatments for example, depression, stress, anxiety, among others. It also opened the way to new discoveries both in the scientific and spiritual fields (given the characteristics of the effects of psychedelics).
He died at the age of 102 from a heart attack in 2008 leaving us his beautiful chemical (and psychedelic) legacy.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

Post 6: A Band / Singer I like

I think that elect a faouvorite band is a type of hierarchy and don´t like this, however I have a lot bands that I like, one of them is "el noi del sucre" is a punk rock band, they are from of spain, specifically from Utreras city, the are a band that promote the anarchism and freedom, are very consisten with their action respect a their social movement; my favourite song is called "Ojalá existiera dios" (I wish there was god), this one has a very beautiful lyric that promote education, organization and a life freedom of slavery in all levels.
Finally, i think there should more groups like them, that are consistent and promote ideas that represent and advance for a change, for this increasingly selfish and materialistic society.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

Post 5: A photograph I like

I'm not a fan of photos or take photo, but there are some tha I remember caught my attention, like this for expample; he is Chris McCandless, also known as Alexander Supertramp, a young traveler who left everything behind to try to live in nature.
This picture was taken by him a few days before he died in 1992, product of starvation. For me reflects the tranquility of having achieved the purpose that was set, perhaps he knew that he had little life left to have no food; I like this photo for the simplicity that is reflected in his face, as his invittation to leave modernity and technological society that is imposed on us, as his invitation to look at natre with other eyes, more than a means, an end in itself.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Post 4: My Best Friend

I have a few "true" friends because the trust is very important in my life.
My best friend is a muscician, is a really good guitarrist, his name is javier, he is a four years old than me; i met him through another school friend in 2012, we have been friends since then. I appreciate his friendship because is a sincer person who has supported me trough the best and the worst time in the last time.
The best memory i have with him is a psychedelic trip we take on a mountain, was really out of this world!, best experience.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2020

Post 3: My Favorite Piece of Technology

I detest technology, but is a important complement in the life and facilitates task which study and search specific information among others; my "favorite" piece of technology is the notebook, i bought a three years ago because the old pc had a several problem in his hard disc drive, i had the old pc for 6 years and hope can repare it.
I use the actual pc frequently, every day (under the actual circumstances), and not like much because is slowly and stay freeze frequently; i think that life without it would be a complex because the access of information and activities would be restricted to a few persons.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Why did you choose your career / study programm?

When I was a child, with my brother play us at the fighters in the improvised ring, and us protect against the hits we use the pillow in the body.
sometimes I dreamed of being an astronaut or fireman; in my adolescence I wasn't clare what I would do in the future, lately studied personal trainer (in 2012) and got my degree, then i worked a few years; in 2017 I entered kinesiology, where I was 2 years and I changed to biochemistry, I decided on the career more than anything because I like to learn new things and linked to science, honestly I do not see myself working in the future, but I would like to be a researcher or something related, so far I like my career and its versatility.